Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The 11 E-Mail Habits That Annoy Me… (in random order)

  1. E-mailing the same attachment back and forth… Just give me a link for God’s sake!
  2. Sending a huge trail of FYI forwards… if it takes me half an hour to get to the original e-mail, chances are; I will just forward it with an FYI to someone else!
  3. Replying with too many “Thank You” e-mails… yes, you can thank me enough!
  4. Using tacky backgrounds and colors (stationary)… your fancy designs will be copied every time your e-mail is forwarded or replied-to creating a massive trail of repulsiveness!!!!
  5. Footnoting your e-mail with a 2000 word legal disclaimer… once again the e-mail will turn “jumbo” after 2 or 3 forwards! No one reads them, stop using them!
  6. Using capital letters to type your entire e-mail… STOP SHOUTING PLEASE!!!
  7. Sending the entire e-mail content in the subject line… isn’t that why they created instant messaging!
  8. Requesting delivery receipts for every single e-mail you send… why is it so important for you to know whether or not I read your “Thank You” email!
  9. Not using signatures… if you want my attention and help, please tell me who you are and how I can reach you!
  10. Marking all your e-mails URGENT… I know I’m not that important!
  11. Manually signing your e-mail when you have already assigned an automatic signature. The resulting:“Respectfully yours, John Respectfully yours, John” is guaranteed to give you double vision for the rest of the day!

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