Friday, November 4, 2016

The ATARC Cloud Workload Management Whitepaper is Out

ATARC has just released an outstanding Cloud Computing White Paper, which features a variety of recommendations to government and was compiled at the ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit on July 26. I had the honor of being a participant in the discussions that guided the creation of this whitepaper. 

To view the Cloud White Paper, as well as the Session Outputs/White Boards, please visit: 

Here are the list of topic areas discussed in the MITRE-ATARC Cloud Collaboration Symposium and the resulting whitepaper. 

Cloud Challenge Areas
• DevOps vs. NoOps: Managing Public Clouds
• Secure Cloud Access: From APIs to Mobile & IoT Devices
• Workload Management for Cost Savings
• Cloud Category Management
• Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Monday, August 1, 2016

Opening Remarks for Getting the Fix on SLAs

I had the privilege of providing the opening remarks for Dr. Robert Bohn, Cloud Computing Program Manager at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at  The FCW Cloud Summit 2016  which took place on August 10th. His session was entitled "Getting the Fix on SLAs".

Here's a brief summary of this session:

One of the foundations of a cloud initiative is the service level agreement (SLA). Yet agencies often have found it difficult to define SLAs that achieve the intended results. In our afternoon keynote, Mr. Bohn will discuss a NIST effort to leverage a forthcoming ISO standard to create a government-wide base model for SLAs that can be tailored to meet the needs of individual agencies..

For more information about the session: Conference Home Page

Friday, July 1, 2016

I will be leading a panel discussion entitled: “Workload Management for Cost Savings

This event is part of the ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit which will be held on July 26, 2016 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, D.C.

This educational, one-day symposium will examine the tools and technology the Federal government is using in cloud computing to enhance any agency's mission. For more information about the event, please visit this URL: ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit

Friday, May 27, 2016

I will be speaking at Cloud Expo 2016  (June 7-9th). My session will be entitled "Government Cloud Enablement, A Federated Model".

Here's a brief summary of this session:

While many government agencies have embraced the idea of employing Cloud Computing as a tool for increasing the efficiency and flexibility of IT, many still struggle with large scale adoption. The challenge is mainly attributed to the federated structure of these agencies as well as the immaturity of brokerage and governance tools and models. Initiatives like FedRAMP are a great first step toward solving many of these challenges but there are a lot of unknowns that are yet to be tackled. This session focuses on providing a quick update about that state of the cloud in the federal government with an emphasis on current trends and drivers. It also introduces a new Government Cloud Enablement Model which aims which codifies the different functional areas that enablement must confront.

For more information about the session: Conference Home Page

The session was also featured on Sys-Con as part of their OpenStack journal. here's a link to the featured article 

You attendance is welcomed, encouraged and appreciated!