Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sick & Tired of Cloud Predictions!!!

I am getting sick and tired of all these 2013 cloud predictions!!! Enough alright...
Well if you cannot beat them maybe you can join them.  I will keep it simple, Just three predictions, I promise...
  1. The cloud is here to stay. Yes, it will go down every once in a while but it will stay. Why? Because it will get cheaper and cheaper as time passes. And it will continue to be more reliable and robust than many makeshift traditional solutions.
  2. Hype is over, reality sets in. The cloud is not a magic pill. If you want to make use of its potentials, than you have to do your homework. Create a good strategy, clean up your infrastructure, prepare your people... 
  3. Predictions go out of fashion. Who am I kidding... No they won't
Here you go I am now as guilty as the next predictor.  

Happy New Year :)