Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Presenting at the CDC CIMS Industry Day

I will be presenting, along side the SRA Capability Center team, at the upcoming Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Information Management Services (CIMS) Industry Day. The event will take place in Atlanta, GA on Nov 13th.

Presentation Topics:
  • What is FedRAMP and what does it mean to me/CDC?/ How to take your Systems to the Cloud and Why?
  • Why Agile Development Makes Projects Successful
Click here for more information about the event.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Managing the Perceived Green Effect of Clouds @ GDCON 2013

I will be speaking at the "The Green Data Center Conference" on January 31st. My session will be entitled "Using ITSM to Manage the Perceived Green Effect of Cloud Computing".

Here's a brief summary of this session:

Cloud Computing is promising a lot of efficiencies and cost savings but it’s also presenting a huge paradigm shift to many IT organizations. Cloud Computing does not only affect the way organizations consume resources but also produces a perceived green side-effect. This session focuses on utilizing best practices and IT Service Management guidelines to create a simple but proven framework to judge the environmental impacts of Cloud Computing. The session also discusses the opportunities and challenges of achieving and maintaining these perceived effects. 

Conference Home Page

You attendance is welcomed, encouraged and appreciated!